If I can describe the year 2019 in one sentence, it would be “busy”. I was so busy, that the website didn’t have any update for a long time.
Anyhow, I haven’t been lazy. Here are just a few mentions of what I have accomplished in 2019: I got British Council’s Advanced English certificate(missed 8 lousy points to reach C2), I have visited the UK for the first time(Oxford, London, Reading), Italy for the first time(sailing around Sicily to be more precise), went skiing in Bulgaria, went to WGT festival in Germany, saw quite a fair share of good bands performing live…
So, without further ado, these are my favorites for 2019. (no particular order)
1.Chernobyl (TV Mini-Series 2019)
The show everyone is talking about nowadays. I must admit that I liked it, and it deserves the attention it got. I still remember my mother saying that we had a strict health regime in the hospital at that time since I was born the same year Chernobyl has happened. As for the show, the cast was phenomenal, the storyline is great, I would recommend this show to anyone… BUT it doesn’t deserve IMDB’s score of 9.5. Especially since it is a mini-tv show, how can 5 episodes match, for example, Breaking Bad’s score of 9.5 for the 6 seasons? IMDB should definitely edit their algorithm to match the score with the length of the show’s life.

2. Dark (TV Series 2017– )
Uh. This show has blown my mind. I think it is one of the best TV shows that I have ever watched, without ANY exaggeration. It has such a superior storyline/timeline/acting consistency that it almost ruined all the other shows and movies for me, as now the bar was set high!
You can skip this show if you don’t like complex stories, elaborate family trees, German language, and lack of fake drama.

3. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (2017– )
Who says that women cannot be funny? There is a good article on Vanity Fair about this topic, as they say that “…Male humor prefers the laugh to be at someone’s expense, and understands that life is quite possibly a joke to begin with—and often a joke in extremely poor taste. ” and “…Whereas women, bless their tender hearts, would prefer that life be fair, and even sweet, rather than the sordid mess it actually is. ” The key sentence is: “Precisely because humor is a sign of intelligence (and many women believe, or were taught by their mothers, that they become threatening to men if they appear too bright), it could be that in some way men do not want women to be funny.” Just watch this show, and believe me.

4. Trying out different fitness classes
In 2019. I have been trying out different fitness classes, out of both curiosity and desire to make the fitness regime easier to fit into my “9 to 5” lifestyle. The biggest challenge was how to fight the ever-dissolving quality of our Serbian public transport. I wanted to either avoid it at all costs, either to select the fitness studio which requires less public transport as possible. The final result is that I still haven’t find the perfect fit, but I am trying. I guess it would be easier if things would be better in this country, or at least that the people are more considerate and less selfish and bumptious. Maybe in another lifetime. or continent.

5. Cooking more
In 2019. I have been cooking as never before. The reason behind this is that, with further research, I have found some awesome fitness bloggers who have amazing and healthy recipes, so I have been trying them out. Some might say that I have been hooked, haha. But the result is yummy, healthy food so why not? 😉

6. Intermittent fasting
Ever since I have discovered that I have insulin resistance, this trick has been in my daily routine. I have been following the 16/8 regime and also, with the use of medication, my results have been much better, so I would recommend IF to anyone with the same situation. Note that I don’t do IF if I am traveling or have some other reason.

7. Reading more
Uh, the things I have tried in order to make myself read more… The pain, the tragedy. FINALLY, there is a way that inspires me to read more. I have been using my Kindle in situations which I would rather consider as boring, such as riding public transport, waiting in line, waiting at the doctor’s office, etc. I am making a conscious effort to read instead of just mindlessly scrolling on social networks. The other trick that has helped me is to read more practical books and less fiction.

So..That’s it.
Happy New Year, everyone! Have a great time with your loved ones and take care of them.