► Alcest-Les Voyages de l’Âme

► Alcest-Les Voyages de l’Âme

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1. “Autre Temps” (“Another Time”)
2. “Là où Naissent les Couleurs Nouvelles” (“Where New Colours are Born”)
3. “Les Voyages de l’Âme” (“The Journeys of the Soul”)
4. “Nous Sommes l’Émeraude” (“We Are the Emerald”)
5. “Beings of Light”
6. “Faiseurs de Mondes” (“Makers of Worlds”)
7. “Havens”
8. “Summer’s Glory”

When was this album released?

Les Voyages de L’Âme (English: The Journeys of the Soul) is the third studio album by Alcest, released on January 6, 2012. by Prophecy Productions. “Autre Temps” was also released in a different version as a single, and was made into a music video. The album has been described as a musical synthesis of the previous two albums, blending shoegaze, post-rock, and black metal influences.

What I’ve liked about this album?

The real question is, what I didn’t like; 2012. was a big year for Atmospheric/Shoegaze/Black metal. It was a totally different scene back then, four years ago. Little known bands started to slowly emerge from their dark shelters and this brave act, let’s call it a “trend”, became the reason the Black Metal scene came to the state that it is today.
Which state it is, you may bravely ask? A state of war, I would kindly answer.
Imagine a big stadium-raging crowd, dense smoke, and the bizarre box match taking place: traditional Black Metal fans in one corner and Experimentalists in the other. First ones are eager to aggressively resist any kind of change, and the others are seeing a change as a way of life, so they want to incorporate this philosophy into their favorite music genre. Who, do you think, would win? I can’t even imagine.
What I CAN imagine, though, is the clear metaphor of this whole situation: people tend to have two mindsets: fixed and growth mindset.
You can read more about it on Brain Pickings(ARTICLE), which is btw. one of my favorite websites.

What I hated about this album?

It is a few classes better than any other Alcest albums.
When I make an attempt to listen any of them(with the exception “Écailles de Lune”), the epic snoring effect begins. Sorry.

If this album was a dish, what dish would it be?

Any kind of dish that has a chicken meat which “melts” while you eat it.

If this album was a place, where would it be?

As album cover suggests, It would be a beautiful garden, where you could walk for hours.

Perfect setting for this album?

Beautiful, sunny day and a big, rich, garden full of secrets.

Is this album more a man or a woman?

I think it is a woman.

This album can be a drink, too. What drink would it be?

It would be some delicious brandy made of fruit.

A go-to song from this album?

“Autre Temps”. It reminds me of something that Anathema would record.

A song from this album that could be turned into a hymn?

All of them. The melodies are marvelous!

Similar albums, similar artists?


How can this album make your life better?

Take a look at their video for “Autre Temps” I’ve posted a few rows above.

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