► Rotting Christ – Rituals

► Rotting Christ – Rituals

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Genre: Extreme Metal/Experimental


1. “In Nomine Dei Nostri” (Latin for “In the Name of Our God”) 4:57
2. “זה נגמר (Ze Nigmar)” (Hebrew for “It’s Over”) 4:43
3. “Ἐλθὲ κύριε (Elthe Kyrie)” (Greek for “Come Lord”) 4:49
4. “Les Litanies de Satan (Les Fleurs du Mal)” (French for “The Litanies of Satan (The Flowers of Evil)”) 3:55
5. “Ἄπαγε Σατανά (Apage Satana)” (Greek for “Begone, Satan”) 3:50
6. “Του θάνατου (Tou Thanatou)” (Greek for “Death’s”) 3:37
7. “For a Voice like Thunder” 6:11
8. “Konx om Pax” (Greek for “Watch and do no harm”; Egyptian for “Light rushing out in a single ray”) 6:21
9. “देवदेवं (Devadevam)” (Sanskrit for “God of Gods”) 5:18
10. “The Four Horsemen” 5:24

When was this album released?

Rituals is the twelfth full-length album by Greek extreme metal band Rotting Christ. It was released on 12 February 2016 via Season of Mist.

What I’ve liked about this album?

This album represents a skillful blend of everything that I appreciate and like in this glorious genre of ours, Metal; it is obscure, dark, the melodies are powerful and alluring, the vocals are not ruined by constant use of the growl, and to make everything even more interesting, there is a subtle eastern influence.

What I hated about this album?

I hate  the fact that it took me so long to take a closer look at this awesome band.

If this album was a dish, what dish would it be?

It would be a dish that is strictly prepared to be a part of some sacred ritual(meat, lots of meat, and blood).

If this album was a place, where would it be?

An old cave with carvings on the wall.

Perfect setting for this album?

Imagine if your favorite episode of the TV Show “Vikings” was influenced by the art of witchcraft.

Is this album more a man or a woman?


This album can be a drink, too. What drink would it be?

Easy. Blood of our enemies.

A go-to song from this album?

“Ἄπαγε Σατανά (Apage Satana)” (Greek for “Begone, Satan”).

A song from this album that could be turned into a hymn?

All of them.

Similar albums, similar artists?

Tough to say… I think this album represents the “Roots”for New Millennium.

How can this album make your life better?

It has a real “Go big or go home” attitude.


Production: 9/10
Originality: 9/10
Visual Identity: 10/10

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