Style: Atmospheric Black Metal, Avant-garde Metal, Black Metal from France
Nomos Nebuleam 08:28
Nebeleste 06:19
Sybelius 06:27
Anthosmos 07:20
Mahagma 06:21
Haallucinählia 06:51
Cosma Procyiris 07:10
When was this album released?
The album was released on September 19, 2019.
What I’ve liked about this album?
I have never heard anything like it. It is like new and old-school black metal joined forces. It is equally melodic and raw. Most captivating melodies and riffs I have heard in YEARS.
If this album was a dish, what dish would it be?
Something with ‘shrooms, obviously…
If this album was a place, where would it be?

Could autumn day spent in the darkest forest you have ever seen.
Is this album more a man or a woman?
It’s a man. Sorry, ladies!
This album can be a drink, too. What drink would it be?
Cold water, collected from that darkest forest, mentioned few moments ago.
A go-to song from this album?
I can’t get enough of “Nomos Nebuleam”, so my vote goes there.
Similar albums, similar artists?
Schammasch and older BAN albums.
How can this album make your life better?
If you’re in black metal phase like I am currently, it definitely can 😉